February 15, 2010

The Double Crossover

Do you know what really gets the crowd excited and impresses the coaches? It is the double crossover dribble. The double crossover is when you use two crossovers in a row. The double crossover is a counter move of the crossover that even most good defenders can handle. The double crossover is considered the more ankles breaking than any other dribble in basketball!

Just imagine yourself, you use your crossover dribble, and you fake driving to the right and go left, But as soon as you crossover to the left hand the defender does not buy your fake to the right, and still remains in front. But little does he know the crossover dribble is reversible. So immediately, you crossover dribble back to the right and beat your defender. Your defender is so surprised that he become unbalanced and fall. The defender looks dumb and you just increased your coolness in front of the team.

What does it take to master the double crossover?
  • Need to have already mastered the crossover
  • Need to have good sense of how your defender is going to react against the first crossover
  • Both of your legs should be equally strong because you will need to crossover even harder with the opposite leg to perform the second crossover
  • Good Timing 
  • Exceptional non-dominant hand dribbling

How to Perform the Double Crossover – Driving Towards the Right

1. Start dribbling towards the right of your defender slowly with your right hand

2. When your defenders start to guard you closer and follow you right, immediately make a low bounce crossover to the left

3. Move your momentum towards the left

4. When the defender jumps in front of you, counteract by push hard with your left leg and crossover hard with your left hand to the right in front of your opponent

5. Catch the ball with your right hand push hard with your right foot to blow by your opponent

How to Perform the Double Crossover - Driving Toward the Left

1. Start dribbling towards the left of your defender slowly with your left hand

2. When your defenders start to guard you closer and follow you left, immediately make a low bounce crossover to the right

3. Push your momentum towards the right

4. When the defender jumps in front of you, counteract by pushing hard with your right leg and crossover hard with your right hand to the left in front of your opponent

5. Catch the ball with your left hand push hard with your left foot to blow by your opponent

The Fake Spin

The fake spin is a deceptive dribble that should be added to your favorite list of moves. It turn out that when a player has already mastered that spin move, then it is time that he learns the fake spin to keep his opponents always guessing what he is going to do next. In the game of basketball the spin move made it so that an offensive can spin around his defender, and get by the defense in a flash. Well in the game of basketball , when you use the spin move too many times, the defense will catch and decide to play you off a bit too defend the spin move. Wouldn’t it be better if you could fake the spin and still create enough space to still score?

Just imagine, your defender is anticipating the spin move so he backs off to defend the basketball hoop. So anyway you decide to fake spin the around the defender and he jumps back, and you now have just created enough space for a jump shot. The fake spin is supposed to be used to create space.

What does it take to have a really good fake spin?

A player must have already mastered the Spin Move
A player must have already have mind-foot-hand coordination
The player must have a very deceptive mind

How to perform the Fake Spin For Right Handed People
1. Drive toward your defender at full speed with your right hand
2. When you are half a step from your defender, make a hard bounce right in front of him
3. Immediately switch your dribbling hand to the left one and quickly swing the ball around your back 180˚ till your back is facing the hoop and then take another dribble
4. Push your left dribbling shoulder into the right side of your body(going back into original position)
5. Lower body and dribble to score

How to perform the Fake Spin for Left handed People
1. Drive toward your defender at full speed with your right hand
2. When you are half a step from your defender, make a hard bounce right in front of him
3. Immediately switch your dribbling hand to the left one and quickly swing the ball around your back 180˚ till your back is facing the hoop and then take another dribble
4. Push your left dribbling shoulder into the right side of your body(going back into original position)
5. Lower body and dribble

February 9, 2010

Hesitation Dribble

The hesitation dribble also know as the stutter step dribble is just a way to get your defender jumpy to bite at what ever you have in stored for him. Or it can be a dribble that will intimidate your defender to back off from you. But that just really depends on who the defender is.

The hesitation dribble is when you are driving really fast and you slow down to a pause by taking 2 baby steps. The squeaking sounds from your feet are the most noticeable things by the defender when you use the hesitation. If mastered the hesitation could be the only dribble move you’ll ever need when you play against aggressive defender. The hesitation can leave defenders frozen in their feet while you blow by them for the score.

What does it take to master the Hesitation dribble?
  • Practice- this dribble requires that a player do it in the game to see how well it works for them.
  • Basketball smarts- the hesitation is advanced dribbling and requires experience, if not, just a good sense of when to use
  • Good handle and footwork

How to perform the Hesitation Dribble with the ball in the Right Hand

1. Start dribbling the ball in your right
2. Dribble towards a target with your right hand
3. Immediately when you are 2 steps from your opponent take a hard dribble
4. Take two quick baby steps forward and make an eye fake (Example) and pause for a half second (This is the hesitation)
5. Then dribble again and push of your right foot
6. Drive past your frozen opponent to score or make a play

How to perform the Hesitation Dribble with the ball in Left hand

1. Start dribbling the ball in your left
2. Dribble towards a target with your left hand
3. Immediately when you are 2 steps from your opponent take a hard dribble
4. Take two quick baby steps forward and make an eye fake (Example) and pause for a half second (This is the hesitation)
5. Then dribble again and push of your left foot
6. Drive past your frozen opponent to score or make a play

February 8, 2010

Improving Your Off-Hand

Improving the off hand is the first thing a basketball player must do to become a better dribbler. Whether you are right handed or left handed, in the game of basketball you will need to be able to use your non-dominant hand when you are in the game. Otherwise you are limiting your potential of becoming a great basketball player.

There is no guide of how to use your non-dominant hand. But rather, this website can show you some drills that can improve the off-hand.

The Left Handed Dribble Drill in Basketball -- powered by eHow.com

The Crossover

The crossover is the most important dribble to know how to do. In the game of basketball, the point of the game is to get by the defenders and put the ball in the basket. The crossover is the perfect dribble to trick the defenders into moving out of your way. The crossover is a simple change of direction that tricks the defender into moving out of your pathway towards the basket.

To perform the crossover effectively you must possess the following qualities:
  • You must be a very deceptive mentality when performing the move
  • You must have good control of the ball when performing the move
  • You must have fast hands
  • You must have strong legs
  • You must be very flexible because there will be time when good defenders will not buy the fake. 

How to perform the crossover for Right Handed people:

1. Start dribbling the ball with your right hand
2. Dribble towards your opponent slowly while keeping the ball in your right hand
3. When you are two steps away from your opponent ,push hard with your left foot to lean your body towards the right.(This is suppose to make it look like you are about to drive to the right side of the basket)
4. Lean your left shoulder to make your driving look real.
5. Check your opponent’s defensive position to see if he is buying the fake
6. Then at the very last moment when your defender moves, push even harder with your right foot to lean your body towards the left.
7. While doing step 6 make a quick low bounce of the basketball in front of your opponent moving the ball from your right hand to the left hand
8. Then when you have created space from your defender, push hard with your left foot and dribble past your opponent for an open shot.

How to perform the crossover for Left Handed People:

1. Start dribbling the ball with your left hand
2. Dribble towards your opponent slowly while keeping the ball in your left hand
3. When you are two steps away from your opponent ,push hard with your right foot and lean your body towards the left.(This is suppose to make it look like you are about to drive to the left side of the basket)
4. Lean your right shoulder to make your driving look real.
5. Check your opponent’s defensive position to see if he is buying the fake
6. Then at the very last moment when your defender moves, push even harder with your left foot to lean your body towards the right.
7. While doing step 6 make a quick low bounce of the basketball in front of your opponent moving the ball from your left hand to the right hand
8. Then when you have created space from your defender, push hard with your right foot and dribble past your opponent for an open left handed layup or jump shot.

February 7, 2010

The In and Out Dribble


The in and out dribble is an advanced dribbling move that moves the defense from your lane so you can get more space to dribble forward. In a game situation there will be times when you will have a defender who is in a good defensive stance and he is playing the ball. This would be a good time to use the in and out dribble. The in and out dribble can be used to trick the defense in to moving into a different direction.

What does it take to master the in and out dribble?
  • Practice
  • Using the dribble in a basketball game 
How to Perform the in and Out Dribble right handed

1. Start dribbling in place with your right hand
2. Dribble towards a defender at moderate speed
3. Immediately dribble into your opponent and lean your right shoulder into left shoulder
4. Then quickly dribble away from your opponent by pushing off your left foot and driving past your defender.

How to perform the In and Out Dribble Left Handed

1. Start dribbling in place with your left hand
2. Dribble towards a defender at moderate speed
3. Immediately dribble into your opponent and lean your left shoulder into right shoulder
4. Then quickly dribble away from your opponent by pushing off your right foot and driving past your defender.

How to Perform the In and Out Dribble

The In & Out Dribble Drill in Basketball -- powered by eHow.com

The Between the Legs Dribble

The between the legs dribble is the most useful defensive dribble for the offense. The bet ween the legs dribble is suppose to be used when the you have multiple defenders trying to steal the ball from you. The between the legs dribble is suppose to be used when aggressive defense attacks an offensive player. The offense player should use this dribble when he is being over played.

How to perform the Between the legs dribble from Right to Left

1. Start dribbling in place
2. Drive towards a defender or target(Ball should be in right hand)
3. Immediately when you are 2 steps from your defender , lean your right shoulder forward
4. Push hard off your right foot ,and push your left foot forward
5. Immediately bounce the ball under your left leg, and catch the ball in your left hand

This is how to perform the between the legs dribble.

How to Perform the Behind the Back Dribble

The Between the Legs Dribble in Basketball -- powered by eHow.com