February 15, 2010

The Double Crossover

Do you know what really gets the crowd excited and impresses the coaches? It is the double crossover dribble. The double crossover is when you use two crossovers in a row. The double crossover is a counter move of the crossover that even most good defenders can handle. The double crossover is considered the more ankles breaking than any other dribble in basketball!

Just imagine yourself, you use your crossover dribble, and you fake driving to the right and go left, But as soon as you crossover to the left hand the defender does not buy your fake to the right, and still remains in front. But little does he know the crossover dribble is reversible. So immediately, you crossover dribble back to the right and beat your defender. Your defender is so surprised that he become unbalanced and fall. The defender looks dumb and you just increased your coolness in front of the team.

What does it take to master the double crossover?
  • Need to have already mastered the crossover
  • Need to have good sense of how your defender is going to react against the first crossover
  • Both of your legs should be equally strong because you will need to crossover even harder with the opposite leg to perform the second crossover
  • Good Timing 
  • Exceptional non-dominant hand dribbling

How to Perform the Double Crossover – Driving Towards the Right

1. Start dribbling towards the right of your defender slowly with your right hand

2. When your defenders start to guard you closer and follow you right, immediately make a low bounce crossover to the left

3. Move your momentum towards the left

4. When the defender jumps in front of you, counteract by push hard with your left leg and crossover hard with your left hand to the right in front of your opponent

5. Catch the ball with your right hand push hard with your right foot to blow by your opponent

How to Perform the Double Crossover - Driving Toward the Left

1. Start dribbling towards the left of your defender slowly with your left hand

2. When your defenders start to guard you closer and follow you left, immediately make a low bounce crossover to the right

3. Push your momentum towards the right

4. When the defender jumps in front of you, counteract by pushing hard with your right leg and crossover hard with your right hand to the left in front of your opponent

5. Catch the ball with your left hand push hard with your left foot to blow by your opponent

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